

  • Author: Ruth Williams, Community Learning Specialist

    Do Space News

    How to Help your Community while Practicing Social Distancing

    March 30th, 2020  |  

    Most of us are already home and following CDC guidelines on protecting ourselves from COVID-19. A lot of our businesses and schools in the Omaha area are closed or limited to serving a few customers at a time. Society around us has entirely changed in just a few weeks and we've adapted to our new lifestyles quickly. But there are still some of us in Omaha that need help or are having trouble...
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    Do Space News

    At Home Learning For Teens

    March 14th, 2020  |  

    Do Space has limited programs and services for the next two weeks. Artists on social media are already taking advantage of this break to create more work. We can also spend this time creating media and learning. What are you going to do with your two weeks? This blog is dedicated to providing at-home learning possibilities for teens (or adults). Stay tuned to our social media for more home...
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    Do Space News

    Mobile Apps Made By Make.Hack.Build.

    December 21st, 2019  |  

    In our fall Make.Hack.Build. session, twelve participants spent twelve weeks learning how to mobile apps with Adobe XD, MIT App Inventor, and App Lab. Eight participated in their own showcase. National Parks Locator by Simón Simón made an app mockup that helps people find interesting parks near them. The app used geolocation to pull in local park data and then sorted them into different...
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    Community Projects

    Virtual Reality Projects by Make.Hack.Build.

    April 30th, 2019  |  

    In our Winter 2019 Make.Hack.Build. session, ten participants spent twelve weeks learning how to create interactive films and games with virtual reality. They used Unreal to quickly create prototypes and they showed them off to the public. Six participated in Make Omaha A walk in the forest by Trisha Trisha made an interactive forest scene where you can check out animals up close. Flooding by...
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    Do Space News

    Learn Animation With Our New Stop-Motion Animation Tech Kit

    March 1st, 2019  |  

    Attention animation enthusiasts and beginners, we have just released a new tech kit that may just pique your interests. The HUE Animation Studio contains everything you need to create your very first stop-motion animation. The kit contains the HUE animation program, a how-to animate booklet, a USB camera, a green screen box, two stikbots, and play-doh. These props that come with the tech kit...
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    Do Space News

    Our Windows Surface Studio 2 Has Arrived

    January 14th, 2019  |  

    Attention patrons! Our Windows Surface Studio 2 has arrived and is out on the floor ready to check out. The Surface Studio is a 28-inch touchscreen with 13.5 million pixels. The intense resolution may cause some eyesores, but anyone can create beautiful high dpi images. Now, if your eyes do begin to strain, please take a step back. For anyone that is interested in the specifications, our...
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    Do Space News

    Learn Virtual Reality with Make.Hack.Build.

    January 7th, 2019  |  

    Have you ever been interested in creating your own worlds? Do you like filming dynamic interactions? Have you played with virtual reality before? Lucky for you, applications for Make.Hack.Build. winter 2019 session is now open! This season we are learning how to explore virtual reality by making 360° videos, developing immersive soundscapes, and creating an interactive film. We will be...
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    Do Space News

    Make.Hack.Build.: Holiday Hacks Edition

    December 27th, 2018  |  

    Jr.High and High Schoolers, we know that you might spend your winter break sleeping in and relaxing. We are jealous that you get a few weeks to take a break, but if you find yourself with lots of extra time we have prepared a few programs for you. For this winter season, we are running Make.Hack.Build. Holiday Hacks Edition which includes learning how to create 3D object for virtual reality. No...
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    Do Space News

    Video Games Made by Make.Hack.Build.

    August 22nd, 2018  |  

    In our Fall Make.Hack.Build. session, ten participants spent twelve weeks learning how to make games with Stencyl, a game engine for first-time game makers, producing game art, sound, and gameplay from concept to prototype, and planned a showcase. Ten participated in their own game showcase. Dungeon Adventure by Akshay, Viraj, and Skyler (Skyler not pictured) Dungeon Adventure is a very...
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    Do Space News

    Start a New Career with Drones!

    July 26th, 2018  |  

    In 2016, the Federal Aviation Administration released regulations for flying drones under 55 pounds. There are a lot of restrictions for these drones such as that your drone cannot exceed 100 miles per hour when in flight, but you can become a registered drone pilot at 16 years old! At just 16 years old, you could start a career with drones. Over 10,000 jobs with drones are expected to be...
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