

  • Category: Humans of Do Space

    Community Projects, Humans of Do Space

    Learning about technology as an intern at Do Space

    August 7th, 2018  |  

    Interning with Do Space has been a great experience and I am so happy to have had the opportunity thanks to the Girls Inc. College Bound Eureka Program. Girls who are in the Eureka program start preparing for college in seventh grade and this is my last year with the externship program. Last year, I interned with Charles Drew Health Clinic but this year I wanted to go in a different direction...
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    Humans of Do Space

    Made at Do Space: Penrose Tile Puzzle

    August 3rd, 2018  |  

    In the spirit of the "Humans of New York" photo series and social media phenomenon, Do Space has created a "Humans of Do Space" and "Made at Do Space" series to share the stories of our members, volunteers, and staff. What does Do Space empower them to 'DO'? Today we are pleased to introduce you to Dennis Holt. Dennis is a retired engineer who wrote us a lovely letter this summer about how Do...
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    Humans of Do Space

    Meet Micah: 3D Lab Tinkerer

    June 27th, 2018  |  

    In the spirit of the “Humans of New York” photo series and social media phenomenon, Do Space is inspired to work with staff and volunteers to create a “Humans of Do Space” series that shares the stories of our members, volunteers, users, and staff. The goal of this effort it to capture the people that are using the space and how it affects their lives. What does it allow them to do? What...
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    Humans of Do Space

    Meet Chayse: Podcast Videographer and Do Space Member

    April 11th, 2018  |  

    In the spirit of the "Humans of New York" photo series and social media phenomenon, Do Space is inspired to work with staff and volunteers to create a "Humans of Do Space" series that shares the stories of our members, volunteers, users, and staff. The goal of this effort it to capture the people that are using the space and how it affects their lives. What does it allow them to do? What does it...
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    Humans of Do Space

    Meet Volunteer Makayla

    February 22nd, 2018  |  

    Do Space would not be possible without the support of volunteers who contribute to our programs and assist our members. They are the pulse of everything we do and give us the ability to offer members help in all different kinds of skills. Each month we try to introduce our members to one of our volunteers. The goal of this effort it to capture and share the people that are volunteering at Do...
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    Humans of Do Space

    Meet Vince: Father, Laser-Cutter, and Do Space Member

    February 12th, 2018  |  

    In the spirit of the "Humans of New York" photo series and social media phenomenon, Do Space is inspired to work with staff and volunteers to create a "Humans of Do Space" series that shares the stories of our members, volunteers, users, and staff. The goal of this effort it to capture the people that are using the space and how it affects their lives. What does it allow them to do? What does it...
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    Humans of Do Space

    Meet Volunteer Ralph

    February 8th, 2018  |  

    Do Space would not be possible without all the volunteers that contribute to our programs and assisting our members. They are the pulse of everything we do and give us the ability to offer members help in all different kinds of skills. The goal of this effort it to capture and share the people that are volunteering at Do Space and how it positively affects their lives. What led them to volunteer?...
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    Humans of Do Space

    Meet Volunteer Biraj

    January 24th, 2018  |  

    Do Space would not be possible without all the volunteers that contribute to our programs and assisting our members. They are the pulse of everything we do and give us the ability to offer members help in all different kinds of skills. The goal of this effort it to capture and share the people that are volunteering at Do Space and how it positively affects their lives. What led them to volunteer?...
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    Humans of Do Space

    Meet David Burget: Multimedia Design Specialist & Do Space Member

    January 9th, 2018  |  

    In the spirit of the "Humans of New York" photo series and social media phenomenon, Do Space is inspired to work with staff and volunteers to create a "Humans of Do Space" series that shares the stories of our members, volunteers, users, and staff. The goal of this effort it to capture the people that are using the space and how it affects their lives. What does it allow them to do? What does it...
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    Do Space News, Humans of Do Space

    Meet Volunteer Alyssa

    December 22nd, 2017  |  

    Do Space would not be possible without all the volunteers that contribute to our programs and assisting our members. They are the pulse of everything we do and give us the ability to offer members help in all different kinds of skills. The goal of this effort it to capture and share the people that are volunteering at Do Space and how it positively affects their lives. What led them to volunteer?...
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