Humans of Do Space
Meet Vince: Father, Laser-Cutter, and Do Space Member
February 12th, 2018 | Taylor Enderle

In the spirit of the “Humans of New York” photo series and social media phenomenon, Do Space is inspired to work with staff and volunteers to create a “Humans of Do Space” series that shares the stories of our members, volunteers, users, and staff. The goal of this effort it to capture the people that are using the space and how it affects their lives. What does it allow them to do? What does it allow them to make? How are people using the space to overcome obstacles and get things done?
Today we are pleased to introduce you to Vince Mancuso. Vince is the Communications Director for Life Church Omaha and was born and raised in the Omaha Metro area. He is passionate about his kids and being a good father. For Vince, Do Space represents a doorway into some tech areas he never thought he would use.
How did you first get involved with Do Space?
A friend and coworker, André Vander Velde, used to volunteer there and I have seen some of his past projects with the laser cutter. This made me eager to try out my own.
What have you been able to accomplish at Do Space?
I recently created a series of ornaments for my wife, parents, and in-laws. They’re unique in that the ornaments feature the footprints of my children from when they were first born. I was able to do this through Adobe Illustrator by scanning the original footprints and turning them into vectorized images, then I placed them on an ornament design.
I think one of the greatest experiences in this project happened during the final cutting. I was just starting the engraving process when I looked over and saw a man with his son and nephew trying to watch the cutter from outside the lab. I waved them in so they could view it up close. While I am no expert in the use of the laser cutter, it was great to be able to share what little I knew with these kids and see the spark in their eyes, though I think the dad got a bigger kick out of it if you ask me. I told the boys how amazing it is to have this technology available and encouraged them to explore it for themselves.
What tools and resources are you using at Do Space?
Right now, I’ve only used the laser cutter but I’ve got the urge to try out the 3D printer someday.
How does Do Space empower you to grow either individually or grow your company?
One of my top strengths in the Gallup Strengths Finder test is Achiever. I get a kick out of meeting a problem, troubleshooting, and figuring out how to resolve it. I won’t lie, I went through a few poplar boards before I had the final project completed, but it was worth it all. It’s empowering to be able to know how to go into the 3D lab again for all my next projects.
**Vince also made a second gift for his sister’s recent wedding.