

  • Author: Rachel Tepper, Operations Manager

    Staff & Volunteer Share

    Insights on Social Media Advertising from Social Media Week

    November 15th, 2016  |  Rachel Tepper, Operations Manager

    As part of my responsibilities as Operations Manager at Do Space, I assist with social media management. Though I rely heavily on the assistance of the staff on the floor to bring the best stories and images to me, I schedule and craft our social media and blog strategy. It is one of the aspects of my job that I enjoy the most, but I fell into this social media marketing role. I am not sure that...
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    Do Space News

    Do Space Celebrates One Year!

    November 4th, 2016  |  Rachel Tepper, Operations Manager

    Do Space is a one-of-a-kind technology library and innovation space for our metro community. In just one year, Do Space has positively influenced thousands of lives and shaped a new model of community technology for the nation. Since November of last year, we have welcomed over 170,000 of you to Do Space. We’ve seen you create incredible 3D prints and laser cut projects, learn to code, learn...
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    Do Space News

    Omaha Gives! on May 25th

    May 25th, 2016  |  Rachel Tepper, Operations Manager

    Today is a BIG day for Omaha! If you have not heard of Omaha Gives! then I hope that you will take a moment to check out their website www.omahagives24.org and consider participating in this unique day. Technology and philanthropy unite today in Omaha for this special event. Omaha Gives! is a 24-hour online giving event organized by the Omaha Community Foundation to grow philanthropy in...
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    Do Space News

    New Vocab: Makerspace

    December 9th, 2015  |  

    Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin; they all had workshops where they could tinker, invent and go through the process of trial and error with their ideas. We usually think of these workshops being reserved for a special few, but technology (as always) is giving people access to workshops that past inventors would have loved. And these workshops also have a new name:...
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    Do Space News

    You Can Build an App for That

    December 9th, 2015  |  

    The statement, “I wish we had/there was a (insert invention)” happens thousands of times every day. While most of those gripes are simply garden-variety frustrations, some of them are pretty insightful and might need a solution. And an app is a great way to do it. With an app, you get to dive into code, learn about graphic design and think about user interfaces (UI) and user experiences...
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    Do Space News

    How to Guest Blog for Do Space

    December 8th, 2015  |  Rachel Tepper

    Do Space is pleased to accept guest posts from the Omaha community. We want to hear your stories about technology news, community projects, as well as how you use Do Space. Anyone can submit a guest blog for Do Space to review and share. What guidelines should I follow when submitting a guest blog? ● Your blog should be more than 250 words ● Include a short biography and photo of yourself...
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    Do Space News

    Has the Best Software Already Been Created? Not Even Close

    December 7th, 2015  |  

    While Mac and PC software is always getting updated, the standard set of word processing and photo editing programs has remained the same for some time. Does that mean we’ve peaked in terms of innovative software? Not even close. In fact, this may be one of the most exciting times to get into software as computing speeds will go through the roof and technology becomes increasingly wearable and...
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    Do Space News

    You’re Never Too ________ to _________

    December 7th, 2015  |  

    You’re never too young to make a difference. You’re never too old to start over. You’re never too far behind to catch up. You’re never too inexperienced to start something new. You’re never too scared to start being brave. You’re never too weak to start being strong. You’re never too stuck to find a fresh start. You’re never too busy to find a window of...
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    Do Space News

    Let’s Predict the Future Together

    December 7th, 2015  |  

    A futurist is someone who uses knowledge of science, technology, social trends and human needs, adds a little bit of imagination, and creates a hypotheses about what the future might look like. Jules Verne may be the most famous futurist of all, having predicted space flight to the Moon, global transportation and submarines. Other science fiction writers (like the folks behind Star Trek) have...
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    Do Space News

    Set Your Determination Level to 10

    December 5th, 2015  |  

    As you begin a new learning curve or take the first steps towards bringing an idea into existence, you should ask yourself if you’re determined to be determined. It’s an important question because we can say with almost 100% certainty that your idea will not work the first time and you will not learn that new skill overnight. Was that too discouraging? We don’t think so. It’s just the...
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