Community Projects
ScratchJr with NET Nebraska
March 8th, 2018 | Danielle Rein, Community Learning Specialist

In partnership with NET Nebraska and NET KIDS, Do Space is hosting the PBS: NET Family Creative Learning program. This course uses ScratchJr and was created for families to learn together in a project-based environment. ScratchJr was created by MIT to teach children, ages 5-8, the basics of computer programming through animations and storytelling.
The Family Creative Learning Program runs for four weeks through February and March. Their last class will be a showcase where the children get to present their animations to one another. During our most recent lesson, the families made paper airplanes by following a set of instructions. Since computers exactly follow a set of instructions, given by the programmer, this is a great exercise to teach that concept. It doesn’t hurt that it’s really fun! They had a blast throwing them around the room trying to see who’s would fly furthest. Through programs like these, children have the opportunity to become immersed in technology in a fun and playful way.
Do Space offers a variety of programming every week, from Little’s Lab to Cyber Seniors and everything in between. We have introductory courses for adult learners, Make.Hack.Build for teens, and we offer programming for school-age children with Junior Makers and Kid Coders. Check out our calendar and sign up for some of our exciting programs!
Learn more about NET KIDS Here.