
  • Category: Do Space News

    Do Space News

    Digital Art Webinars in May

    May 1st, 2020  |  

    It’s kind of hard to plan things right now. By the end of May we may be well on our way to something close to normal, or we may still be doing our part to help control the spread of the virus by staying home. But whether you’re at home or getting out and about a bit more, we have some fantastic digital art webinars in May that you don’t want to miss. From Tinkercad, to Photoshop, to Clip...
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    Do Space News

    Alternatives to Photoshop

    April 30th, 2020  |  

    Creative software can sometimes cost you an arm and a leg, but does it have to? My name is Nick, and I’ve spent the last few years learning and practicing various forms of digital art on a thin budget. I actively avoid products released by Adobe due to their outrageous prices. As a result, I’ve found oodles of useful programs that can be used to replace the titan’s pricey product...
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    Do Space News

    Social Distancing Without Socially Isolating

    April 27th, 2020  |  

    I am currently a Membership Clerk at Do Space, and my favorite part of the job is interacting with people (both coworkers and patrons). I love having conversations with patrons, hearing their stories, telling anecdotes that make them laugh, complimenting their outfits. I am, by nature, a very social person, and I love being around and engaging with others. (This is also true outside of work. I...
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    Do Space News

    Low Tech Maker Projects You Can Do While Staying Home

    April 23rd, 2020  |  

    The kids have been out of school for a month now. You’ve probably been home from work just as long. The risk of being perpetually bored looms. Why not try some of these low-tech maker activities? I’ve focused on two types of supplies that makers usually have floating around the house or can easily be ordered without having to go into a store--yarn and fabric and paper and cardboard. Yarn and...
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    Do Space News

    Alternatives to Adobe Illustrator

    April 21st, 2020  |  

    Making digital art can be expensive, but it doesn’t always have to be. My name is Nick, and for a few years now I’ve been learning the art of digital design on a tight budget. After aggressively avoiding Adobe products due to their high prices, I’ve discovered a collection of different programs that are good stand-ins for Adobe’s expensive line-up.  AI(Adobe Illustrator) is a powerful...
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    Do Space News

    Putting the ‘A’ in STEAM

    April 15th, 2020  |  

    While STEM education is definitely important (that’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), I prefer the model that promotes STEAM education (that’s all of the above, plus an “A” for “Art”). While your kids are at home and schools are closed, it will definitely be tricky to try to fit in everything they need to learn. However, I strongly encourage making some time for art at...
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    Do Space News

    You Should Try Canva

    April 13th, 2020  |  

    Are you a graphic designer? Then this blog is probably not for you. You probably have both the design skills and the software knowledge to create sharp, modern looking marketing materials. No, this post is for the rest of us -- for the people who need basic, but sharp looking marketing material. For everyone who may not have quick access to a great graphic designer there's Canva. What is...
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    Do Space News

    Online Safety Best Practices

    April 9th, 2020  |  

    Hey, guys! It’s no secret that you can find and do almost anything online. Since the creation of the world wide web we have been presented with a plethora of opportunities; we can talk to family and friends via our web cams, phones or tablet, we can go to school in our pajamas and we can even order food from McDonald’s and have it delivered to us! It’s exciting, but if you’re not...
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    Do Space News

    Do Space isn’t just closed. It’s been deployed.

    April 7th, 2020  |  

    Announcing our new digital services available now while Do Space is closed to the public! Live webinars and recorded instructional videos. Check out our Do Space Calendar for full schedule HERE! Instructional videos on our YouTube Channel HERE! Live webinars will also be recorded and posted on YouTube. Basic online tech help via email and chat. You can email us at:...
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    Do Space News

    Get Out and Explore Your Backyard With These Apps!

    April 3rd, 2020  |  

    It’s spring time! Okay, maybe not today with the cold front that just crawled through and snow and ice in the forecast, but the calendar say it’s spring. And whether you have kids at home who need something to do, or you just need some time away from Zoom, there are some great apps that can help you explore your backyard! iNaturalist - This is one of my favorite apps. I use it when I'm...
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