

  • Category: Success Stories

    Success Stories

    Manny Gets A New Leg!

    August 17th, 2016  |  Cherie Gossett, Volunteer Coordinator

    A member recently requested help with a pretty special project, help making a new prosthetic limb for a disabled goat.  Manny the feinting goat suffers from a genetic disorder that affected his leg.  The leg joint was bent and fused in place.  His owner had a prosthetic for Manny already but as Manny's conditioned progress the prosthetic no longer fit.  That is when she reached out for Do...
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    Success Stories

    Making Dog Rescue Coasters at Do Space

    August 12th, 2016  |  George F. (Guy) McHendry, Jr., PhD

    After taking the Laser Cutter Crash Course at DoSpace I had enough knowledge to start my first project, but what should I make? My wife and I volunteer with an animal rescue group that fosters, rehabilitates, and places Boston Terriers in new homes. The group is called MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue, check them out at adoptaboston.com. We love this group and the dogs we foster bring us so much...
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    Success Stories

    Volunteering at Do Space

    August 2nd, 2016  |  Jeff Snyder, Do Space Volunteer

    In my seven months of volunteering I’ve had the opportunity to experience and learn so many things. I have developed my people skills, as well as my technical skills. For me, I don’t really see my time at DoSpace as volunteering, I see it as a learning experience and a way for me to get out of the house and do something I enjoy. Plus, you get to be around some awesome tech! But it’s not...
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    Success Stories

    3D Printed Pool Solution

    June 24th, 2016  |  Brittany McClure, Do Space Mentor

    A member recently turned to DoSpace to help him model and 3D print a component for his pool skimmer. A single piece of the system had broken and to replace it would have been quite expensive, not to mention he would have had to buy a whole new skimmer, not just the broken component. Through a mentor request to learn SketchUp he was connected with me and together we created a very simple, but very...
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    Success Stories

    Father-Son Time in the 3D Lab

    May 2nd, 2016  |  Tom Shaw, Guest Blogger and Do Space Member

    When I was a kid my neighborhood was filled with signs of our parents’ ambitious hobbies. I had a friend whose dad was building a sea plane in his garage. Not just a regular plane. A sea plane with a wood frame and a bunch of foam on the bottom so that he could land it on lakes or something. It seemed kind of crazy. But that was probably no crazier than my dad building his own 50-foot amateur...
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    Success Stories

    My Volunteer Experience

    April 19th, 2016  |  Trish Lanphier, Do Space Volunteer

    We asked our volunteers to share some of their favorite stories from their time as a Volunteer at Do Space.  Trish Lanphier is one of our regular Cyber Senior Volunteers who helps to provide regular peer-to-peer advise to the community. Trish is retired, but formerly worked as the Senior Director of Technology at Douglas County.  This is her account of her volunteer experience. I watched as...
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    Success Stories

    Wikipedia Edit-a-thon at Do Space

    March 3rd, 2016  |  Brian Sarnacki, Community Learning Specialist

    Chances are that you have visited Wikipedia in search of information. It is one of the world’s most-visited websites and its content comes from people who volunteer their time and effort adding knowledge to the free, public website. In honor of African American History Month, Do Space recently held a edit-a-thon on February 20th. During the event, we spent an afternoon contributing information...
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    Success Stories

    How Do Space Saved My Chanukah Cookies

    January 22nd, 2016  |  Shira Abraham

    I use my grandmother's cookie cutters every year at Chanukah to make holiday cookies. The past few years I have noticed that the plastic cutters have been falling apart - the glue that was holding them together was chipping and I have been searching for a way to recreate them. (There are plenty of companies that will recreate the outlines - but none that could give me the detail on the...
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    Success Stories

    The New Art of Family Time

    December 2nd, 2015  |  Lindsay Zortman

    Our lives revolve around technology. I work from home as a writer, my 15 year old lives to design apps, my 14 year old socializes at all hours via her phone and my 12 year old engulfs himself in the fantasy world of video games. Our family time could consist only of us urgently staring at our glowing screens if I didn’t do something about it. There had to be a better way! Then I saw that...
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