
  • Category: Do Space News

    Do Space News

    Get Up and Running with Adobe InDesign in 5 Days (or 5 Hours)

    April 1st, 2020  |  

    Have you found yourself with some time and a burning desire to learn how to use Adobe Indesign? Maybe it’s suddenly been added to your tasks as you navigate working from home? Don’t worry, I can help! Using a carefully curated list of wonderful tutorials on the Adobe website, I will give you a guided tour of how to get up and running with Adobe Indesign in just 5 day--or 5 hours if you...
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    Do Space News

    What You Need For April’s Junior Makers Project

    March 31st, 2020  |  

    Do Space has a great new maker project for kiddos in the month of April for Junior Makers! On Wednesday, April 4th at 5pm, we will be making cardboard articulated grabbers. This project is made of everyday items, most of which you probably have around the house. These are not only great for grabbing those long lost toys that fell under the couch, but they a great way to experience with to see...
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    Do Space News

    How to Help your Community while Practicing Social Distancing

    March 30th, 2020  |  

    Most of us are already home and following CDC guidelines on protecting ourselves from COVID-19. A lot of our businesses and schools in the Omaha area are closed or limited to serving a few customers at a time. Society around us has entirely changed in just a few weeks and we've adapted to our new lifestyles quickly. But there are still some of us in Omaha that need help or are having trouble...
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    Do Space News

    Design for the 3D Lab from Home!

    March 27th, 2020  |  

    With everyone sharing all kinds of new crafts and ways to keep yourself busy at home, you may be finding that your creativity has been sparked! If you’ve been wanting to spend some time in our 3D Lab at Do Space, the great news is it’s easy to do a lot of prep work from home. Much of the software used in the lab is freely available online or has a free alternative. Let’s go over some...
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    Do Space News

    Mental Health Help During COVID-19

    March 26th, 2020  |  

    It’s no secret that COVID-19 , Coronavirus, has had an impact on all of us. In these trying times, it’s hard to know what to do, how to adjust or if things will be normal again. The good news is that you’re not alone. Everyone is trying to adjust to this new normal as well. And better yet, there are good resources to help during this trying time. Here are a few that I have found to really...
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    Do Space News

    A look into Cyber Seniors

    March 25th, 2020  |  

    Hi! I’m Steve Sidner, a technical volunteer at the Do Space, helping seniors at our CyberSeniors clinic. I have been doing this for a few years. We have seen a big seachange lately. More and more folks are coming to see us with a new gadget, usually a smartphone or a tablet, and no prior computer experience! Many of these people are older and often retired. Their life work and their...
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    Do Space News

    Ebooks, Audiobooks, All the Links in One Blog

    March 24th, 2020  |  

    You may be finding yourself with a little more time at home lately than you’re used to—and, at first, that’s great! But once you’ve binge-watched a couple of shows and done all those chores you’d been procrastinating on, you may find yourself wondering what to do next. May I suggest reading? If you don’t have a ton of books on hand, fear not! While the libraries are all currently...
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    Do Space News

    Omaha Grocery, Where and How to Shop

    March 23rd, 2020  |  

    Hey Omahans, wondering how to keep up with your grocery needs? Here’s info on local store hours and services, grocery delivery options, and things to keep in mind when deciding how to shop. We will work to update this blog with store hours and services. Is something missing or in need of an update? Let us know at    Store Hours and Services Stores with...
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    Do Space News

    Critical Media Consumption During COVID-19

    March 20th, 2020  |  

    The state of our world seems to have changed overnight, leaving questions and uncertainty for us all. The rules on ‘what’s safe’ become narrower on a daily basis. While our news feeds are constantly pinging with urgent updates, there are some steps we can all take to distinguish between what is true or untrue in the media frenzy the pandemic has spurred. In a recent NPR interview, John...
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    Do Space News

    Do Space Closure Extended

    March 19th, 2020  |  

    Do Space cares deeply about the health and safety of the Omaha community. We are closely monitoring emerging information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). As always, the health and safety of our members and our staff is our number one priority. As you may be aware, the State of Nebraska has imposed a ban on public gatherings of over 10 people through April 30th. In response to this new...
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