

  • Author: Rachel Tepper, Operations Manager

    Staff & Volunteer Share

    Why I Love Do Space

    August 16th, 2018  |  

    In 2018 it’s fairly hard to avoid technology when you live in a first world country. Just by going on with our daily lives we cross paths with it. If you are reading this blog right now that is thanks to technology.   Being born into the age when technology is moving at such a fast pace is truly fascinating. Growing up, I was extremely fortunate to have had parents encouraging me to become...
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    Community Projects, Humans of Do Space

    Learning about technology as an intern at Do Space

    August 7th, 2018  |  

    Interning with Do Space has been a great experience and I am so happy to have had the opportunity thanks to the Girls Inc. College Bound Eureka Program. Girls who are in the Eureka program start preparing for college in seventh grade and this is my last year with the externship program. Last year, I interned with Charles Drew Health Clinic but this year I wanted to go in a different direction...
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    Humans of Do Space

    Made at Do Space: Penrose Tile Puzzle

    August 3rd, 2018  |  

    In the spirit of the "Humans of New York" photo series and social media phenomenon, Do Space has created a "Humans of Do Space" and "Made at Do Space" series to share the stories of our members, volunteers, and staff. What does Do Space empower them to 'DO'? Today we are pleased to introduce you to Dennis Holt. Dennis is a retired engineer who wrote us a lovely letter this summer about how Do...
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    Humans of Do Space

    Meet Micah: 3D Lab Tinkerer

    June 27th, 2018  |  

    In the spirit of the “Humans of New York” photo series and social media phenomenon, Do Space is inspired to work with staff and volunteers to create a “Humans of Do Space” series that shares the stories of our members, volunteers, users, and staff. The goal of this effort it to capture the people that are using the space and how it affects their lives. What does it allow them to do? What...
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    Community Projects

    FREE Electronics Recycling Event at Do Space

    April 24th, 2018  |  

    “The future belongs to those who understand technology”… It is also important to know the harmful effects that improper electronics disposal has on our environment. Cross Electronic Recycling is pleased to partner with Do Space because we care about the environment and everyone who lives in it. On April 28th from 10AM – 2PM we are hosting an electronics recycling event. Cross Electronic...
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    Success Stories

    Looking back at 2017

    January 24th, 2018  |  

    In 2017, our members accomplished great things. The Do Space staff are endlessly inspired by the people that we come in to Do Space to learn, experiment, and explore technology. From learning to search the internet for the first time (specifically "how to clear a pipe drain"), to starting Etsy businesses with the support of our 3D Lab laser cutter, Do Space resources have advanced your skills...
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    Do Space News

    We Welcome Your Feedback

    January 11th, 2018  |  

    Do Space is a unique concept for which there is no other quite like us. That leaves us little opportunity to compare ourselves to our peers or standard benchmarks, but as a community-led project, we look to Omahans to let us know how they are using the space. In addition to taking surveys in every program, hosting online member surveys, and making comment cards available in the space, we also...
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    Do Space News

    Stay Connected with Do Space

    December 14th, 2017  |  

    Want to be in the know about all things Do Space? Stay in touch with all things Do Space by following us on social media and signing up for our email list. Follow us on Facebook HERE. Follow us on Twitter HERE. Follow us on Instagram HERE. Follow us on LinkedIn HERE. Check out our images on Flickr...
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    Do Space News

    Support Omaha, Contribute to #OmahaGives!

    May 22nd, 2017  |  Rachel Tepper, Operations Manager

    If you have not heard of Omaha Gives! then I hope that you will take a moment to check out their website www.omahagives.org and consider participating in this unique day. It’s the 5th year of a full 24 hours dedicated to giving—and it’s your chance to make a real difference, right here in our own community. Last year, almost 19,000 people gave nearly $9 million for 789 nonprofits. On...
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    Staff & Volunteer Share

    Tech Bits from Social Media Week Chicago

    November 18th, 2016  |  Rachel Tepper, Operations Manager

    Believe it or not, Social Media Week struggled with a poor wifi connection throughout the conference. It is likely the tremendous strain that professional social media users place on the system with streaming and device count, but that seems ironic nonetheless. Otherwise the conference has been a very informative. Some of the information being shared is more relevant to large agencies, but I have...
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