

  • Author: Rachel Evans, Operations Manager

    Do Space News

    Your Cheer Page Questions – Answered

    May 21st, 2019  |  

    Hi Friends - we've been getting questions on how to set up an Omaha Gives! Cheer Page and what a Cheer Page even is! I'm here to take you step by step through the process so that you're all set for tomorrow's big day. Buckle up, there are A LOT of ¡¡exclamation points!! in this post: Cheer Pages are another way you can participate in tomorrow's Omaha Gives! charity event. They are similar to...
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    Do Space News

    Your Gift During Omaha Gives!

    May 14th, 2019  |  

    If there is one thing Omaha excels at it's supporting its non-profits! Nothing shows this more than the upcoming 7th annual Omaha Gives! extravaganza. Don't know what this event is all about? Let me break it down for you: Omaha Gives! is an all online giving celebration that allows you to shower your favorite non-profits with some much needed assistance. This year's event will be held on...
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    Do Space News

    Do Space Launches Advocate Program

    April 4th, 2019  |  

    Do Space is excited to announce its newest volunteer opportunity - the Advocate Program! This program helps raise awareness about all the wonderful things that Do Space provides to our community. We have close to 70,000 members and as we grow, we need members like you to get the word out about who we are. Wondering what an Advocate does? Advocates are self-starters and “doers” that are...
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    Do Space News

    How the Internet of Things is BIGGER than A.I.

    September 20th, 2018  |  

    The first question most people ask when confronted with the Internet-of-Things, is, “What the heck is it”? In layman’s terms, the Internet-of-Things, also known as IoT, is the current revolution in smart devices to connect everything imaginable to the internet, from doorbells, light bulbs, and thermostats, to drones, and self-driving cars. MarketWatch, projects the IoT industry to be a 2.5...
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