If you have kids and have been to Do Space then odds are that you have met Felicity White. Felicity works with us as a Community Learning Specialist helping run the Littles Lab and other education programs. In addition to currently being a valuable team member, Felicity has studied Creative Writing and English Literature and has worked as an Instructor and Coach at several universities.  But her most applicable preparation for Do Space is likely from her role as Super Mom to four wonderful kids who often come in and visit us at Do Space too.

What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about language – how it moves us, inspires us, even how it gathers or divides us.

What does Do Space mean to you?

Do Space means project- and play- based education. I’m always thrilled to see strangers become collaborators. I love when my Littles Lab friends come in the door ready to learn and explore.

What have you been able to accomplish at Do Space?

I’ve learned a lot from my Tech Desk training at Do Space, from the laser cutter to best practices in preschool STEM education. I’m proud of our Littles Lab program. Our registrations are full almost every week!

In the spirit of the “Humans of New York” photo series and social media phenomenon, Do Space is inspired to work with staff and volunteers to create a “Humans of Do Space” series that shares the stories of our members, volunteers, users and staff. The goal of this effort it to capture the people that are using the space and how it affects their lives. What does it allow them to do? What does it allow them to make? How are people using the space to overcome obstacles and get things done? 

About Author
Michael Sauers, Technology Manager
Michael Sauers is currently the Director of Technology for Do Space in Omaha, NE. Michael has been training librarians in technology for the past twenty years and has published more than 14 books on technology and other topics.