Image result for tobii eyemobile gaze selection

Before you jump into using the Tobii EyeMobile there a few details and pointers I would like to mention. Firstly, there are two main modes of use for the EyeMobile to control your PC – ‘Gaze Selection’ and ‘Mouse Emulation’. Secondly, calibrating the device correctly is essential to successful use. I will start with the two modes of use and briefly elaborate on how to Calibrate and use Gaze Selection.

Gaze Selection – as pictured above – works by placing a sidebar menu along one side of your screen with a layout of commands. It is a two-step process. You think about the command you wish to perform – for example, double-click – and then gaze upon the double-click icon in the menu.  Once your command is selected you locate the object on the desktop you wish to double-click using the eye-controlled cursor. Following a bit of practice it quickly becomes a relaxed process that allows for good precision.

Gaze Selection is the easiest mode to begin learning. Nothing happens unless you have selected a command first, which makes it quite controllable should you become distracted or flustered. CLICK HERE for a short video by Tobii Dynavox that demonstrates Gaze Selection.

Mouse Emulation works by locking the cursor to your eyes, giving you access to all the normal functions of a mouse. You can left-click, right-click, double-click, scroll, drag and drop, and zoom. The only menu on display is a small overlay menu through which you can assign different functions to your cursor. Again, for typing in text you can use an on-screen keyboard. If you become disoriented by the constant tracking you can instantly pause by holding your gaze on the overlay menu pause button. HERE is another short video by Tobii Dynavox that demonstrates Mouse Emulation.

How to Calibrate:

Before beginning it is essential that the device is calibrated to the user. This is a very quick and simple process that ensures correct positioning and allows the eye-tracker to lock onto your eyes with its infrared sensors. Preferences can be changed to suit the user and multiple profiles can be created with saved settings always at hand.

Here is a quick Do Space video demonstration on how to calibrate the Tobii EyeMobile:

Using Gaze Selection:

Once the Tobii EyeMobile has been calibrated Gaze Selection can be selected for use. The following is a video demonstration of how to select and use the Gaze Selection features. Considering the Tobii EyeMobile is a tech kit that patrons have to schedule for use I have demonstrated how to navigate to our website site at and book the Tobii EyeMobile.


For anyone new to the Tobii EyeMobile I would suggest beginning with 10-15 minute sessions at a time. Without realising it I found myself concentrating incredibly hard with my eyesight. Unfortunately, this is counter-intuitive to the relaxed state that the EyeMobile needs to work efficiently. If you need further assistance in using the Tobii EyeMobile feel free to ask our staff at Do Space about tech demos, resources and mentors. For further details on how to use the Tobii EyeMobile, CLICK HERE for Part One in the series which introduces the kit. Look out for Part Three on Mouse Emulation mode coming soon.


About Author
Sean Kelly, Community Technologist

Sean is an Australian abroad. He is living in Omaha and working at Do Space as a part-time technologist with the desire to gain a valuable insight into U.S. community and culture. Sean has embraced his role at Do Space by combining his enthusiasm for technology with his various backgrounds as a tradesman, audio-visual technician and graduate of International Studies. You may have seen him at the tech desk or conducting classes in the 3D lab.