
Do Space would not be possible without all the volunteers that contribute to our programs and assist with our members. They are the pulse of everything we do and allow us to help to members in all different kinds of areas. The goal of Volunteers of Do Space is to showcase the wonderful volunteers at Do Space and explore how volunteering positively affects their lives. We hope to understand more about what led them to volunteer, what sort of impact they are making, and why they continue to contribute. 

We are pleased to introduce you to one of these valuable contributors. Meet Humberto, he began volunteering as a Sidekick in 2017 and now assists with Cyber Seniors. He is originally from Texas, and has traveled across the world  living in various cities for work. He is currently retired, but prior to retirement worked with a number of different software companies including Hewlett Packard, Sperry Corp, and Unisys Corp to name a few. Our Volunteer Coordinator asked Humberto a few questions about his experience volunteering at Do Space.

How did you first hear about Do Space?

I saw it through an organization called VolunteerMatch.org

Which volunteer position are you currently filling (sidekick, explorer, or mentor)?

Currently, I mainly help out in Cyber Seniors (as an Explorer).  Although, I have taught a class in intro to programming and am very much interested in contributing in that direction

What is your favorite part about volunteering at Do Space?

I like meeting all the new people.  I enjoy showing people that they can help themselves by following a few simple steps.  Learning technology is just about being disciplined and learning a few patterns.

What motivates you to continue to serve the community through Do Space?

I think that during my career various mentors helped me along the way.  At the time I did not think much of it. However, I now realize it is important to self enable people.  So, I do that as a way to thank my past mentors

What is a fun fact about yourself that you’d like to share? 

When I was working I never had an opportunity to work in the open source space.  As a retiree, I am currently updating and maintaining several orphaned Python 2 projects and getting them up to snuff on Python 3.

What are your top three goals for 2020?

Being retired changes your focus.  I would say that I want to make my wife happier, keep myself happy, and see more of my extended family

 What is your favorite place to eat in Omaha and would you recommend it to another volunteer?

My favorite place is J. Gilbert’s in the new capitol district.  This is fine dining at its best. Definitely, anyone who has an interest should dine there.

About Author
Ty Nared, Community Engagement Specialist