
Thanks to the support of the Meyer Foundation for Disabilities, Do Space is pleased to announce the availability of two Tobii Dynavox Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ACC) devices: the Tobii EyeMobile and the Tobii PCEye Go. These devices utilize advanced eye tracking software to enable users to control their computers and tablets with their eyes.

Do Space is committed to providing technology access for all, including teens and adults with disabilities. This new ground breaking technology additions will help increase the assistive technology available for public use. According to the Tobii website, “Users with limited motor skills due to ALS, MS, Spinal cord injury, or other impairments can benefit greatly with the Tobii PCEye Go. They can enjoy relaxed, precise, and faster computer access.”

Furthermore, PCEye Go includes an integrated keyboard to allow users to write messages with their eyes. Users can also “surf the web, connect with friends online, play games, Skype, use environmental controls to turn on the lights or TV and even make spreadsheets and documents using your eyes.” Also of note is that “all processing for the eye tracker is done on the device itself, avoiding additional workload for your computer. This also means that you do not need the latest, most expensive desktop or laptop in order to use gaze interaction as a computer access method.”

Both device setups support eye and touch interaction at the same time.

How does eye tracking work?

Light from the eye tracker hits your eyes and is reflected back to the eye tracker. Tobii’s two cameras see the reflections and, with the assistance of math and filtering, the software tracks where your eyes are looking on the screen. With the Tobii EyeMobile and the Tobii PCEye Go, the world is no longer at the tips of your fingers but at the guidance of your eyeballs.

How do you click?

Tobii software provides different ways of clicking. These options include:

  • Dwell click: This involves focusing your gaze on a single point for a defined period of time.
  • Blink to click.
  • Tobii Gaze Selection: Tobii Dynavox describes this option as “a two step process where you first look at the command you want to perform, for example click, and then you look at the object you want to apply the command to, for example a url.”

How do you check them out?

  • We have Tobii EyeMobiles each are a PCEye Go connected to a Microsoft Surface 3 Pro tablet. One can be checked out at our Tech Help desk on a first-come first-served basis. If you with to reserve a specific time the other can be booked via our equipment reservation page. Just fill out the form and then come on in and check it out at the Tech Help Desk at the time you selected. Both of them can be used in Do Space for up to two hours at a time.

Further Information:

Read more about ACC applications and other accessibility devices available at Do Space here.

The Meyer Foundation for Disabilities grant is distributed in partnership with the Munroe-Meyer Institute (MMI).  MMI is a federally designated University Center of Excellence for Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service. MMI specializes in providing services and support for persons with intellectual, developmental and/or genetic disorders.

About Author
Tacoma Tomilson, Community Technologist

Tacoma Tomilson is a Community Technologist for Do Space and a graduate of San Jose State University. On the weekends, she exchanges her Do Space cardigan for a USAFR flight suit.