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Tech Playtime with Do Space Volunteers
March 23rd, 2016 | Cherie Geary, Community Engagement Specialist

When walking around Do Space I am sure you have had the opportunity to run into some of our amazing volunteers! One of the ways we engage our volunteers is our bi-monthly volunteer tech playtimes. Whoever said adults don’t want to play as well?!?
This is a time that volunteers get the chance to mingle, have fun, and learn with people they might not usually volunteer alongside. Do Space provides some snacks and the fun tech stuff to play with.
This last month we got out some 3Doodlers, Little bits, Ozobots, and Quirkbots. We always have some questions out as well that you can fill out while discovering this new toy to get your mind limber. Some of my favorite questions and answers were the following:
- Little Bits- What iconic figure do you think would have loved to own this? “Any inventor like Tesla or maybe a musician like Beethoven.”
- 3Doodler- If you were stranded on an island would you want this item? What would you use it for? “To make a bowl”
This is just one of the many things that you get to experience as a volunteer at Do Space. Do you want to come play? Sign up to volunteer here.