
As a child develops, parental emphasis is placed on teaching life skills that will help them grow into thoughtful, well-rounded adults. Teaching social-emotional skills is a top priority for parents. Beyond the home, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is becoming a large focus in education as well.

With all of this emphasis on teaching the whole-child, how do we incorporate the technology they are already using to help teach social-emotional skills?

Common Sense Education provides great resources on Social Emotional Learning including tools that parents and educators can use to help along the way. Our initial focus in on empathy and resources can be found by visiting this link: https://www.commonsense.org/education/blog/we-all-teach-sel-empathy.

Our October Parenting in the Digital Age Series is titled: Choosing the Right Media to Teach Character Strengths and Life Skills. We will specifically focus on resources to teach empathy and I would love for you to join us. From this session, you’ll walk away with three new digital resources to help your child build character through empathy.

Explore Common Sense Education’s top recommendations for games that teach empathy here:

I look forward to seeing you at our Parenting in the Digital Age event on October 25th at 6:00 p.m.


About Author
Keegan Korf, Guest Blogger

Keegan Korf is Lead Teacher in Digital Citizenship for Omaha Public School's Common Sense Media.