This past Thursday Do Space celebrated its first year of working with the public. We were happy to have so many people join us, both regulars and first-timers! We are so thankful to everyone who came out to celebrate and everyone who volunteered their time working at the event!

The Dash and Dot Driving School was packed. Our laser cutter and 3D printers were on display for all to see. We had a great showing at our volunteer table talks and tech kit play zones too. We gave out all our goodie bags and had five raffle winners (out of more than 150 entries!). We even launched our very own Minecraft Universe, available to the public while at Do Space. Our volunteers had their own appreciation event to celebrate all the great help they have given Do Space over the last year.

We saw many new faces and we hope to see them again soon. Check out some of our favorite pictures below!


About Author
Brian Sarnacki, Community Projects Specialist

Brian is a Community Projects Specialist for Do Space and a graduate of Notre Dame and UNL with degrees in History. He lives with his Chiweenie named Wesley, who owns many adorable sweaters.