One of the single friendliest members that we host on a regular basis here at Do Space is Chikadibia Ebrim. Chikadibia is a Cultural Producer and Musician who works as a multimedia artist here in Omaha. Most likely when you see him at Do Space it will be with a smile on his face, and while we would like to think that has to do with our facility, he has a personality that shines with postivity. If you have been to Do Space on a weekday then most likely you have seen him working in the computer lab. We are pleased to introduce you to him.

What are you passionate about?

  • I’m passionate about self-awareness and development of the minds observing this interview and the ones who aren’t.

What does Do Space mean to you?

  • Do Space is my way out.

What have you been able to accomplish at Do Space?

  • I’ve been able to create and maintain a path of consistent and continuous creativity.

How does Do Space empower you to grow individually or grow your company?

  • They empower me with a sense of artistic freedom and the computer lab is pretty great.

What tools and resources are you using at Do Space?

  • All and more that it has to offer.

In the spirit of the “Humans of New York” photo series and social media phenomenon, Do Space was inspired to work with staff and volunteers to create a “Humans of Do Space” series that shares the stories of our members, volunteers, users and staff. The goal of this effort it to capture the people that are using the space and how it affects their lives. What does it allow them to do? What does it allow them to make? How are people using the space to overcome obstacles and get things done?

About Author
Caitlin Lombardo, Community Learning Specialist
Caitlin is a graduate of UIowa and Mizzou but can be convinced to root for the Huskers. She is a librarian by education but feels right at home in Do Space as a Community Learning Specialist. She works to bring tech education to our youth programming in new and interesting ways.