About Author
Allison Bartlett
Allison Bartlett is the Director of Community Learning for Do Space
Introduce Yourself! – Who are you and what does your organization do?
At SoundArteMX we are interested in the production and dissemination of electronic experimental music and sound art. We want people to know how to build their electronic instruments by using open-source software and hardware. We believe in the reuse of materials and knowledge for more sustainable technology.
What do you make?
Sound art and experimental music with own build digital synthesizer, and open-source software.
What are you planning to show at Make Omaha?
Digital Synthesizers build with Arduino. We will also replicate a digital synthesizer by using open source software “PureData”.
What are you looking forward to seeing at Make Omaha from other participants?
Use of open source technology to create art and music.
What tech/maker-type stuff are you interested in getting in the future?
DIY, digital, and analog synthesizers. Experimental music and sound art.
Anything else you’d like to add?
We need to become users and builders of our own technology. The technological and digital revolution is here and we must be proactive creators and developers of our own reality.