
Make Omaha is a FREE family friendly, innovation and technology showcase celebrating local tech-driven makers, inventors and businesses who are using state-of-the-art tools in their work.


Meet MakeShift Lincoln

Introduce Yourself! – Who are you and what does your organization do for fun/work/education, etc?

MakeShift is a non-profit space hosted by Turbine Flats in Lincoln, NE. It’s a weekly gathering spot for Lincoln-area makers to discuss and share projects and ideas. MakeShift also offers free public classes throughout the year such as soldering, Arduino basics, laser cutting and 3D printing. They also put on Lincoln’s annual maker gathering, Make Lincoln, in the fall.

What do you make?

Our members’ interests and skills are varied. Kinetic art, electronics, welding, and 3D printing are common topics at our meetings.

What are you planning to show at Make Omaha?

Some of our members have been working on Star Wars droids and other robotics projects over the last couple of years. This year, we’ll bring some of our in-progress droids, explain and show how they’re made, and let attendees drive them around.

What are you looking forward to seeing at Make Omaha from other participants?

We love seeing other makers’ passions and interests and look forward to exchanging ideas.

What tech/maker-type stuff are you interested in getting in the future?

Our members are usually always interested in trying out new tech and tools. As far as our space goes, we’re looking at bigger 3D printers, better laser cutter, and any new development boards that the community churns out each year.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Visit our website Makeshiftlincoln.com to learn more.

Come see MakeShift Lincoln and all our other makers at Make Omaha on Saturday, March 14th from 10am – 3pm!

About Author
Kimberly Hwa Davis, Community Learning Specialist
Kim is a Community Learning Specialist for the Do Space team. She leads Littles Lab and Junior Makers programs.