Jr.High and High Schoolers, we know that you might spend your winter break sleeping in and relaxing. We are jealous that you get a few weeks to take a break, but if you find yourself with lots of extra time we have prepared a few programs for you. For this winter season, we are running Make.Hack.Build. Holiday Hacks Edition which includes learning how to create 3D object for virtual reality. No application is necessary to attend these one-off classes.

Make.Hack.Build.: Stop-Motion Animation

On December 20th, Use your imagination to create wild stop motion animations! We will be a using green screen and various props to make our animated videos. You are welcome to bring your own props to this program. This class is geared for ages 11 and up.

Make.Hack.Build.: Virtual Reality Winter Wonderland

On December 27th, Learn how to make a winter wonderland for Virtual Reality! We will be designing the 3D space together in TinkerCad and import all our creations into our own virtual world in Unreal. Afterwards, we will explore our winter wonderland with the HTC Vive. This program is geared for ages 12 and up.

Make.Hack.Build.: Beginner Robotics

On January 3rd, Start the new year by learning how to create your own robots. We will make inchworm bots with cardboard, code, and Micro:bits! This program is geared for ages 11 and up.

You can register for these classes 2 weeks ahead of the date here. Don’t forget to bring your Do Space cards and have a good break!

About Author
Ruth Williams, Community Learning Specialist
Ruth is a Community Learning Specialist at Do Space who loves contributing to the growing tech community in Omaha. When not working at Do Space, She is working on interactive digital media projects or discovering new restaurants in Omaha area.