Have you ever been interested in creating your own worlds? Do you like filming dynamic interactions? Have you played with virtual reality before?

Lucky for you, applications for Make.Hack.Build. winter 2019 session is now open! This season we are learning how to explore virtual reality by making 360° videos, developing immersive soundscapes, and creating an interactive film. We will be using Unreal and other supplementary programs like Photoshop to create our VR projects. You will be coordinating a public showcase to show off your final projects!

Make.Hack.Build. is a collaborative community, for creators ages 12 to 18, that opens up opportunities for participants to learn life, tech, and leadership skills. It also serves as an opportunity for post-secondary education and portfolio development.

Our winter session runs for twelve weeks from January 26th to April 13th. The classes run from 1PM to 3PM on Saturdays. Applications are currently open and will close on January 20th. All applicants will be notified via email by January 21st.

Make.Hack.Build. is free and we only have twelve spots available. You can apply and learn more at https://dospace.org/programs/make-hack-build/.

About Author
Ruth Williams, Community Learning Specialist
Ruth is a Community Learning Specialist at Do Space who loves contributing to the growing tech community in Omaha. When not working at Do Space, She is working on interactive digital media projects or discovering new restaurants in Omaha area.