Last Saturday, we celebrated the start of summer a variety of fun activities. We ran demos of our youth programs, welcomed Harvard researcher Jason Eastman, and introduced the prototyping cart.

Our Littles Lab and Teen Hangout were hopping as members built wind-powered cars, created structures from spaghetti and marshmallows, and learned how to turn an iPad into a microscope using only a glass bead and a special clip 3D-printed right at Do Space.

Astrophysicist Jason Eastman visited Do Space via Google Hangouts and gave a great talk about his work locating exoplanets and the specialized telescopes his team uses in order to do their research.

We wrapped up the day with our very first prototype cart challenge. We challenged participants to invent and prototype something for the kitchen. Groups competed fiercely for a Dunkin Donuts gift card, creating recipe holding devices, pet-protected food trays, and cleaning tools.

Thank you to everyone that participated and volunteered. Remember that the Summer of Invention continues and we have loads of activities still happening.  Be sure to share all of your Do Space adventures on and be entered to win a tablet!

About Author
Jessica Johnson, Director of Community Learning
Jessica Johnson is a librarian by trade and an enthusiast of all things handmade. When not at work, she can be found retouching old furniture, curating Internet memes and spoiling her backyard chickens in Elkhorn, Nebraska.