Ever wanted to tackle a problem that could improve your life or the lives of others? Good, because you’re in good company. Meet Mallory Kievman.

Along with being a young inventor, Mallory is a young entrepreneur as well (remember, Do Space also has start-up resources). During the summer of 7th grade, Mallory had one case of the hiccups after another. While some traditional cures worked, she wanted think of something better. She did research on every folk remedy, learned about the science of hiccups wound up creating a lollipop that cures the hiccups. And the name—Hiccupops—that’s pretty genius, too.

About Hiccupops

Now put your imagination to the test:


About Author
Rachel Tepper, Operations Manager
Originally from Texas, Rachel Tepper works as the Operations Manager helping to keep the facility running smoothly, managing accounting responsibilities, and assisting with in-house marketing efforts. In addition to working at Do Space, she has two big dogs that she enjoys walking and taking on vacations with her husband.