
Are you a DIY vehicle person?  Through our resources page you have access to Chilton’s online repair manuals.  I remember trying to track these down at auto parts stores or the local library to figure out how to replace a water pump, replace my brakes, or figure out some wiring.

This resource has a wide range of repair manuals from very old to late model cars and trucks.  Once you choose your vehicle year, make and model you have the option to pick repairs, view a recommended schedule of maintenance intervals, and even see a list of searchable service bulletins and recall notices.  The repair section of the online manuals includes step-by-step service and repair procedures with color coded illustrations, photographs, and wiring/vacuum diagrams.  It also has a basic text-to-speech function and the ability to print off the pages you need.  

You can find a link to this resource and many others like this on our Resources page.


About Author
Robert McCown, Community Technologist
Robert is a Community Technologist at Do Space from Lincoln. When he’s not tinkering with his 3D printers he’s making costumes, props, and butter passing robots.