Do Space News
Calling All Makers for the 2018 Omaha Mini Maker Faire!
February 23rd, 2018 | Kimberly Hwa Davis, Community Learning Specialist

What do you love to make? The Omaha community what to see it! Do Space is hosting the 2018 Omaha Mini Maker Faire on April 14 from 9 am to 4 pm. The Omaha Mini Maker Faire is independently produced by Do Space and Metropolitan Community College in collaboration with Maker Media.
Tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and entrepreneurs are invited to come together to show their projects and share their knowledge and unique experiences. It’s a fun, engaging, and exciting event that inspires everyone to become a maker and to connect with people and projects in their local community.
Past makers have showcased projects like:
- Nerf modifications
- Robots
- Jewelry
- Items created using laser cutters
- Beekeeping
- Thor’s Hammer (this maker is back this year!)
- And much more!
Whether you created something from scratch or modified an existing item or project to make it uniquely your own, this is no cost opportunity to show off what you’ve been working on. Click here to learn more and apply to be a maker for the 2018 Omaha Mini Maker Faire.