BIG changes are coming to Do Space programs! Starting on June 7th, classes will be held entirely in-person or in a hybrid fashion (with a few exceptions). 

All Youth and 3D Lab classes will be 100% in-building. These classes include Design It, Make It, Kid Coders, Littles Lab, and all Thursday 3D Lab classes. There will not be an online option for these offerings. To attend these classes, members will need to register at, and please note that space is limited. 

Adult classes are transitioning to hybrid programming. We’ll still have the same great programs, but now you’ll have a choice of how to attend. If you want to stay at home and watch the program from the comfort of your choosing, you can. Or, you can come to Do Space, where we’ll be projecting the program onto one of our big screens. We’ll have computers set up so you can follow along, and a helpful staff member will be available to answer any questions. This past year, since we pivoted to virtual learning, we’ve been able to offer our programs to more of our members and the community at large. At the same time, we recognize that some members may prefer to view our programs in-building. We’re excited to provide you with the opportunity to choose.  

There will be a few exceptions to our hybrid programming.  Certain things just make sense to keep entirely online. We realize it’s tough to get to 72nd and Dodge at lunchtime, so for now, our Lunch & Learn series and all other lunchtime and early afternoon classes will remain online. Our Bootcamp classes, such as Hello Code, Excel-erate, and Make.Hack.Build will also continue to be online. We have a few other programs that will remain online for technical reasons. Always be sure to check the program descriptions for locations. 

Please view our calendar for specific program descriptions and to register for either an in-building seat or to participate via Zoom. 

We are so excited to welcome you back to the building, and we’re looking forward to seeing you soon!


About Author
Allison Bartlett

Allison Bartlett is the Director of Community Learning for Do Space