Everyone lives in a state of “before,” the place right before innovation changes their world. Before the light bulb, everyone lived in a world where the night was illuminated with candle fire. It had been that way for centuries, so why think about new options? The problem with “before” is that we can get used to it and fail to see the possibilities. Instead, start challenging yourself to adopt a new mindset called “tomorrow” and “what if.” Start by not judging yourself or your ideas. Just let them flow. We think you’ll be surprised, and encouraged.

InnovationManagement.se – The 7 All-time Greatest Ideation Techniques

SlideShare – 27 creativity and innovation tools

About Author
Rachel Tepper, Operations Manager
Originally from Texas, Rachel Tepper works as the Operations Manager helping to keep the facility running smoothly, managing accounting responsibilities, and assisting with in-house marketing efforts. In addition to working at Do Space, she has two big dogs that she enjoys walking and taking on vacations with her husband.