We’ve recently added some new tech kits to the Do Space shelves. To know which kits are available, just look to see if that kit’s white tub is on a shelf in the computer area, Teen Hangout, or Littles Lab. If you see the tub, then the kit is available. We keep all the parts for the kits (including the parts that need to charge) behind the Tech Desk and we’ll load them into your selected tub when you check-out. Tech Kits facilitate cooperative learning, problem solving, and creativity.

Remember, you’ll need a signed Borrower’s Agreement to check out a kit (must be an adult with a photo ID) and check-outs are available until 8:00 PM.

Here’s a run-down on our latest editions:

Snap Circuits

Snap Circuits is a collection of electronic components that use snaps to connect in different configurations based on the project you want to build. The manual includes instructions for simple light switches to more complicated audio devices. Just choose a project and follow the directions to get started! This kit is geared toward electronics beginners of all ages, but you’ll need some reading skills (or a partner).

Code-a-Pillar activity kitCode-a-Pillar

This new toy from Fisher-Price should be a big hit with our Littles Lab programmers! The Code-a-pillar is made up of USB connectable segments. Each segment has a particular function: forward, right, left, sound, etc. Put the segments together in the order you want the Code-a-Pillar to move. The kit includes Start and Stop targets to make the programming into a game. We’ve tested it in the staff area at Do Space and even though it’s a little noisy, the Code-a-Pillar is a big hit!

Osmo Coding Jam

We’ve been fans of the Osmo set for a while because of the way it adds a tactile experience to tablet play and encourages interaction. This new Osmo game called Coding combines physical game pieces with a coding program. We’ve added the Coding pieces to the Osmo Tech Kit we already have as well as adding another Osmo Tech Kit to our collection. Check the Littles Lab shelves for Osmo and Osmo Coding!

About Author
Felicity White, Community Learning Specialist
Felicity is a Community Learning Specialist at Do Space where she teaches Littles Lab programs. Her favorite recent quote comes from a young member touring the 3D Lab: "What? Lasers are real?!"