
This is a bit more than a tip since it’s a one-hour talk, but if you’re intersted in the thought process behind 3D printers, it’s worth the time.

Diego Porqueras invented the Bukobot and Bukito 3D printers. Bukobot’s wildly popular Kickstarter campaign raised four times the requested funds, helping Diego open a Southern California hackerspace store, Deezmaker.

But how do you design a 3D printer? Where would you even start? In this talk, Diego discusses the hardware design space of 3D printers, associated software challenges, and the basics of 3D printer operation.

About Author
Michael Sauers, Technology Manager
Michael Sauers is currently the Director of Technology for Do Space in Omaha, NE. Michael has been training librarians in technology for the past twenty years and has published more than 14 books on technology and other topics.