Welcome Back to Do Space!

What’s New?


All classes are in-person and FREE for all ages and abilities. Reserve your seat today for classes such as Laser Cutter Basics, Littles Lab, and more! Find our monthly schedule here: https://dospace.org/calendar/

Tech Kits:

Check out a tech kit at Do Space for a chance to learn and explore technology on your own! Tech kits allow you the chance to play with the latest technology while following how-to instructions for you to become an expert. Here’s a list of all of our Tech Kits: https://dospace.org/tech-activity-kits/ 

Technology Refresh:

Utilize our computer lab for tasks like updating your resume, editing in Photoshop, or just scrolling the web. Our lab has 57 brand-new computers that offer Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, and many others! Check out all of our software here. Looking for specific, hard-to-find software? Email us at hello@dospace.org, and we can see about getting it added to the collection.

3D Lab:

Become a maker in our 3D Lab! We have a whole suite of printers, etchers, and cutters ready for use. Our Glowforge Pro laser cutter/engraving machine is the newest piece of equipment available to members. Joining our existing Universal Laser Systems VLS 2.3, the Glowforge Pro boasts a larger print bed, a more powerful laser, and faster speeds.

Coming Up:

Volunteer Open House on Saturday, September 11:

Join us in leading the community tech movement at Do Space. We invite you to share your tech know-how and passion to have a meaningful impact on the Omaha community by becoming a volunteer. No experience is required. The Volunteer Open House will be held on the 2nd floor of Do Space from 10am-2pm. We will provide informational sessions and give you a chance to check out the latest tech and speak with current volunteers. Snacks will be provided. You can find more information here:  https://dospace.org/events/volunteer-open-house/

Make Omaha on Saturday, October 9:

Make Omaha is a family-friendly, innovative, and technology showcase celebrating local tech-driven makers, inventors, and businesses who are using state-of-the-art tools in their work. Join us on October 9th from 10am- 3pm. You can find more information here:  https://dospace.org/make-omaha/