Do Space News
Youth Programming Announcement
April 12th, 2017 | Caitlin Lombardo, Community Learning Specialist

Do Space Youth Programming is getting switched up this summer! We’re breaking down age barriers and introducing programs for ages 6 through 12 that focus on two favorite Do Space activities–coding and making.
There will be two options: Kid Coders and Junior Makers. Both classes are open for 6-12 year-olds and parents are encouraged to attend with their children. Kid Coders will focus on computer programming with languages like Scratch, Python and more, and Junior Makers will focus on inventing and creating.
On Tuesday, June 6 at 5pm, Kid Coders will kick off with Unplugged Programming. Learn about the basic functions that make computers work: binary, coding, and pixels —without picking up a computer!
Junior Makers moves to a new day and time beginning Wednesday, June 7 at 5pm and will focus on planning and designing in How to Invent. Each participant will even get to work on a prototype to take home!
Attending either of these Youth programs at Do Space during the summer will earn you a stamp on your Do Space Summer Passport. For more on the Passport, keep watching our bog at!