Tech Tips
Try Our MaKey MaKey Tech Kit
January 15th, 2018 | Danielle Rein, Community Learning Specialist

There is nothing quite like the smell of Play-Doh and the nostalgic sound of Super Mario’s classic boing! boing! jump. With the MaKey MaKey, these classic toys collide as you frantically jam the Play-Doh buttons you create to keep Mario from falling to his doom.
The MaKey MaKey is a kid-friendly invention kit that can turn household items into touchpads. Simply attach one clip to “Earth” on the circuit board and attach the other end to your watch or bracelet. Once you are grounded, attach the remaining clips to the corresponding buttons on the circuit board, add some Play-Doh, and you have your very own controller. But what if video games aren’t your thing? The MaKey MaKey can also function as a musical instrument. The buttons that were just guiding Mario can now play “Mary Had a Little Lamb”.
This tech kit can be checked out at Do Space and includes the MaKey MaKey and Play-Doh. It has everything you need to start inventing your very own controllers, pianos, drum machines, or anything you can dream up. There are numerous online tutorials and a few suggestions come with the kit.
Come try out this tech kit and others like it at Do Space!