Attention patrons! Our Windows Surface Studio 2 has arrived and is out on the floor ready to check out.

The Surface Studio is a 28-inch touchscreen with 13.5 million pixels. The intense resolution may cause some eyesores, but anyone can create beautiful high dpi images. Now, if your eyes do begin to strain, please take a step back. For anyone that is interested in the specifications, our Surface Studio has an Intel Core i7 and 16GB of RAM.

Patrons can turn the Surface into their own personal studio. We are equipping it with a few exclusive programs on it such as ZBrush, Unity Pro, and AutoCAD. It also includes programs that you can find on our other computers like Adobe Creative Cloud Suite and Microsoft Office. We have a few tools available that can enhance your experience. When you check out the Surface Studio, you will be handed the Surface dial and pen. Both can be used for many of the programs listed above.

There are a few restrictions on the Surface Studio. You need to be at least 18 years old and have or be willing to sign a technology borrower’s agreement. You also can only use it for an hour at a time, unless no one else has it reserved after you.

You can make a reservation by calling us at 402-819-4022 or on-site. Once you arrive for your reservation, you can check it out at the tech help desk.

About Author
Ruth Williams, Community Learning Specialist
Ruth is a Community Learning Specialist at Do Space who loves contributing to the growing tech community in Omaha. When not working at Do Space, She is working on interactive digital media projects or discovering new restaurants in Omaha area.