Who makes phone calls these days? Well, someone looking to hire you might do just that. If you’re someone who doesn’t usually get a lot of calls but are also looking for a new job, when was the last time you thought about your voicemail greeting? Is it the system default? Or maybe you made a funny one for your friends a few years ago? Let’s just say that you don’t want to put off someone calling you wanting to schedule an interview.

The folks over at LifeHacker have written up a great article with more to consider titled Change Your Voicemail Greeting When You Job Search. Be sure to check it out before updating our outgoing message.

When you’re ready to schedule that online interview be sure to book your time in our Virtual Interview Lab to increase your chances of getting that new job.

Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

About Author
Michael Sauers, Technology Manager
Michael Sauers is currently the Director of Technology for Do Space in Omaha, NE. Michael has been training librarians in technology for the past twenty years and has published more than 14 books on technology and other topics.