
Wondering how to fill up that new Summer Passport? Looking for a way to fill a few hours at Do Space? Here’s an example of how one member could earn five stamps in only one day. (We checked, and six just isn’t possible – but five is the next best thing!) Here’s how:

  1. Member arrives at Do Space around noon and goes to the Littles Lab to look for the Osmo Tech Kit. She takes the box to the Tech Desk with her parent (gotta have that photo ID and matching address!) and they check it out together. Explore Stamp!

  2. After returning the Tech Kit, Member takes her Do Space card and signs into the Maker Monday afternoon session at 1:00. Maker Stamp!

  3. After spending a while in the Maker Monday session, Member logs into an open computer with her Do Space card. She searches for Wonderopolis.com. The Wonder of the Day is about elephants. She reads all about it and then goes to the Tech Desk and tells a staff member she completed a Wonderopolis reading. Wonder Stamp!

  4. Back at her computer, Member navigates to www.code.org/learn and chooses one of the fun Hour of Code tutorials. When she finishes, she goes back to the Tech  Desk and tells the volunteer that she completed a coding tutorial online. Code Stamp!

  5. Finally, before Member leaves Do Space for the day, she asks her dad to post one of the photos he took on his phone to the I Heart Do Space website. They tell the staff member at the Info Desk on their way out. Share Stamp!

Members can also do some work at home or on any computer connected to the internet and still earn Summer Passport stamps. The next time you are in Do Space, just stop at one the desks and ask for the Wonder, Share, or Code stamps! (Explore, Learn, and Make stamps can only be earned in Do Space programs.) Kids enter to win one of three prizes at the end of the summer if they earn at least 20 stamps, and adults are automatically entered to win a Chromebook 2-in-1 laptop when they post on IHeartDoSpace.org!



About Author
Felicity White, Community Learning Specialist
Felicity is a Community Learning Specialist at Do Space where she teaches Littles Lab programs. Her favorite recent quote comes from a young member touring the 3D Lab: "What? Lasers are real?!"