
So, you’ve got that brand new Raspberry Pi and want to do something fun with it. How about fun project that keeps on long after the build is done. I’m talking about a Raspberry Pi arcade machine where you can play classic games and even bring on some of your own. This project is well laid out here but there are many more available on the web.

In the above project they are using the Raspberry Pi 1 model B but the GPIO pinouts are the same for any other model B. The one issue you may run into is with the software which may or may not work correctly in the newest version of Raspbian OS. If a piece of software doesn’t work or simply doesn’t work the way that it should you have a few options including, finding a newer version that may not be in the repositories, alternative software that does the same task, or fixing the code in the software so that it does what it is meant to. The nice thing about Raspbian is that much of the software that was made for it is open source and the code is available to you.

 Image courtesy of http://www.instructables.com/

About Author
Dale Kipple, Community Technologist
I am a community technologist at Do Space, Omaha. I have always been fascinated by computers and love to spend time out doors whenever I get the opportunity.