Cobbled from odds and ends in the workshop of a droidsmith, D-O is an impressionable little roller that becomes fixated upon BB-8.

Drive D-O around in droid mode and even turn turbo mode on for super speed! Be careful, D-O is clumsy and has quite the sense of humor. Use the emote buttons in droid mode to let D-O’s personality out!

Hang out with D-O in the doc or have D-O roll around on the floor. In this mode D-O will follow you if you carry the ball where D-O can see it.

Have D-O find the ball in a game of hide and seek or if you want to give D-O some clues play hot and cold!

What is this funny robot trying to tell me?! Play a guessing game with D-O as it makes noises and moves around trying to tell you something important!

About Author
Michael Sauers, Technology Manager
Michael Sauers is currently the Director of Technology for Do Space in Omaha, NE. Michael has been training librarians in technology for the past twenty years and has published more than 14 books on technology and other topics.