
You can reserve, learn about, and test the telepresence robots on wheels made famous by shows like “Big Bang Theory” and “Modern Family.” Known as Double, these robots allow people anywhere in the world to talk to others through a speaker on the robot, view the robot’s environment via a webcam, and control the robot’s movements all from their home computers.

Here at Do Space, we have two double robots: Amy and Sheldon. Once you’ve filled out a Technology Borrower Agreement and verified your address, you can log into a laptop or iPad and drive Amy or Sheldon around!

General Instructions for Use:

  • Make a Double Robot reservation through our website.
  • Fill out a Technology Borrower Agreement and verify your address at the Help Desk.
  • Borrow a laptop or iPad or use your own.
  • Log into DoubleRobots.com with the Double Robot login credentials (Do Space Staff will assit with this step).
  • Navigate using the directional arrows on the laptop or iPad.

The only area to avoid is the hallway with the restrooms and Dunkin Donuts, as the double robots will set off the security gates. Otherwise, have fun exploring Do Space as a robot!



About Author
Tacoma Tomilson, Community Technologist

Tacoma Tomilson is a Community Technologist for Do Space and a graduate of San Jose State University. On the weekends, she exchanges her Do Space cardigan for a USAFR flight suit.