Join Do Space and No More Empty Pots for a five-week series all about the Internet of Things! Not sure what that means? Let us introduce you to this network of devices that can transform the way you live and work.

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the rapidly growing network of connected objects that are able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensors. Thermostats, cars, lights, refrigerators, and more appliances can all be connected to the IoT.  Smart home systems involving smartphones communicating with doorbells, locks, and lighting systems are a good example of connected devices communicating with each other to simplify life. More and more everyday items are internet compatible, helping to make our lives easier and hopefully less complicated.

If you are interested in learning more, we invite you to join us for our series of programs about it. Over the course of five lessons, we will host discussions and hands-on learning, participants will explore IoT capabilities to see how it can affect our local food system. Attend any lessons you choose or join us for all of them! This series is intended for teens ages 13-16.

Sign up with Do Space and join No More Empty Pots in exploring this fascinating development in technology!  The four-week course will cover a variety of IoT topics including:

  • June 6th,   Lesson 1: Innovations and Problem-Solving!
  • June 13th, Lesson 2: Connections and Food Systems!
  • June 20th, Lesson 3: Networks and Local Food Communities!
  • June 27th, Lesson 4: IoT Devices!

IoT programs run every Wednesday in June and begin at 1:30 PM ending at 2:45 PM. You can register here

About Author
Danielle Rein, Community Learning Specialist
Danielle is a Community Learning Specialist at Do Space who was born and raised in the Omaha area. In her free time, she can usually be found playing video games or reading.