
Back in 1993 while finishing grad school I was asked to do a “video interview” for a position in another state.  In this case I had to go to a recording studio and sit in front of a video camera and be recorded answering questions by an “interviewer” who’d been hired to ask me the questions. The tape was then sent to my potential employer for their review. (I didn’t get the job, but I like to think things worked out in the end.)

Today, due to the situation we find ourselves in, an online video interview is actually the norm, yet many applicants are finding this new way of doing things difficult to navigate. Thankfully Lauren Landry has published a wonderful article titled 9 Tips for Mastering Your Next Virtual Interview on the Harvard Business School Web site.

Her tips include:

  1. Test Your Technology
  2. Set the Scene and Minimize Distractions
  3. Sit Down Prepared
  4. Practice, Don’t Memorize
  5. Monitor Your Body Language
  6. Dress the Part
  7. Make a Connection
  8. Be Yourself
  9. Immediately Follow Up

Head on over to the HBS Web site for her full explanation of each of these tips. After that don’t forget that out Virtual Interview Lab is available for you to book for your next online interview.

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

About Author
Michael Sauers, Technology Manager
Michael Sauers is currently the Director of Technology for Do Space in Omaha, NE. Michael has been training librarians in technology for the past twenty years and has published more than 14 books on technology and other topics.