We have two great 3D printers; the UPrint SE Plus and the Dimension sst 1200es. With these you can print almost anything you can think of but there are some limitations you should know before you begin.

The only material available for these printers is ABS plastic. This plastic is hard and pretty ridged which is why it’s used to make amazing things like Legos. If you want to make something flexible there is a way to do that but it requires careful planning when making your project. The printer’s resolution is 0.01in or 0.254mm. At that thickness even the hard ABS plastic is fairly pliable but don’t go too far, it will break. This raises another issue with some prints parts are joined by a thin point they are almost guaranteed to break in the wash which they will go through unless we are asked not to. If you need a thin point, make it thick and sand later or build some kind of support structure to protect it during the bathing process which.

Finally, we can only print one project at a time for you and it must be in STL format so I suggest that you take advantage of how the printers works when making your project. To start you can have the print software on your computer and it’s free. Click here to download and install the Catalyst ex software.The bath I just referred to is hot chemical bath that dissolves the soluble support leaving your project clean and ready for you. That soluble support is great and enables the printers to create amazing things like moving structures. That’s right, it is possible to print a fan, throw a motor on it, and watch it go. If you decide to do something like that, just remember that the model material comes out with the texture of fine sand paper and will need some work to decrease wear on moving parts.

Once you’ve got that done you can setup a mock printer based on either of the ones I mentioned earlier by going to [Manage 3D Printers] and the [Add Manually]. In the software you will be able to see if the object fits on one of our print beds, test it to see if there are any errors that need to be resolved before submission, and adjust settings so you know what you want when you arrive.

We can’t wait to see your amazing projects.



About Author
Dale Kipple, Community Technologist
I am a community technologist at Do Space, Omaha. I have always been fascinated by computers and love to spend time out doors whenever I get the opportunity.